Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What is this Action X about anyways?

4. Here at Action X Paintball we get you into intense war-like-paintball combat only seconds after entering! We separate the small sissies from the tough warriors. Being a indoor arena of mayhem you can wage war at anytime of the year! Got a party planned but don't know where to have it? Reserve Action X for parties and personal contests. Rent or buy out your weapons and wage war here at Action X. Remember, don't waste your war time at home come to Action X.

8. How will you advertise your business?(Internet, TV, Radio, Printed Media) Our business being paintball we do not plan on attracting customers from long distances. Action X will keep it low budget starting with setting up a Superpage listing. Action X will also send out postcards to potential customers. Our small shop located in Action X will also feature free novelty pens with our logo and slogan printed on. We also plan on providing discounts to those who give their old paintball guns to us. Lastly we will allow our business to be reserved for birthday parties or personal contests.

Works Cited Page:

Charles Sisk. "16 Ideas for Low Cost Promotion." Prosperityflorist 11/19/09.

Michele Graham. "How to Advertise Your Small Business." Ezinearticles. 11/19/09.

Anonymous. "How to Start A Paintball Business." Startupbizub. 11/18/09

Branders. "Branders" Branders. 11/20/09

Superpages. "Superpages" Superpages. 11/18/09 "So You Want To Learn How To Start Your Own Paintball Field." Paintball-Tips-And-Tricks. 11/19/09

BlueCrossBlueShield. "Blue Cross Blue Shield Association." bcbs 11/20/09

Paintball-Discounters. "Buy Paintball Gear." Paintball-Discounters 11/19/09

WarehouseFinder. "Domain Warehousefiner." Warehousefinder 11/19/09

CDE. "Cornell Dublier Electronics Inc." CDE 11/20/09

Thursday, October 29, 2009

ILY This Ad

1. What in "The Persuaders" surprised you? Name one new thing you learned about marketing or politics from watching the film. Name one new thing you learned about yourself from watching the film. That misleading advertisements is such a popular theme between all companies. I never realized that these companies were targeting your emotions. I did not know there were companies devoted to creating heart-filled ads.

2. "The Persuaders" begins by questioning the increase in the amount of advertising we typically encounter in our daily lives. How would you assess the amount of advertising you see? Too much? too little? Just right? In your view, what difference does it make to know that people today see much more advertising in their daily lives then people 20 or 30 years ago? I believe i see too much advertising during this time. The knowledge that there was less advertising 20 years ago does not affect me at all.

3. What surprised you in the descriptions of how much demographic information marketers have about potential customers? What kinds of information would you be willing to share about yourself or your family in order to: enter a contest? Get a discount? Get only? Get a cell phone? Use a credit card? Would you be willing to reveal your name, address and phone number? What music do you listen to or your favorite snacks? The grades on your last report card? How much your parents earn? What medications people in your family take? What kinds of information would you want to keep private and why? I was surprised that people could contain all that information legally. I have and i still do give away information for discounts, etc. I would like all my information be kept private unless i willingly hand it over knowing that it will be circulated into others computer.

4.In "The Persuaders," marketer Kevin Roberts uses the term "lovemarks" to identify brands to which people are loyal even when devotion is not logical. Are there brands (or music) to which you are devoted? When you stop to think about it, is your loyalty to any particular brand a "lovemark"? If purchasing a particular brand isn't logical, why would you (or other people) do it. There are brands which i am devoted to. I have no loyalty to any brand beyond logic. I would not do it , but i can see how others can be persuaded threw good advertising skills.

5. Douglas Rushkoff asks, "What happes when advertisers assume the roles of our writers, journalists, and entertainers?" How would you answer him? I would answer him with " Well Douglas, the quality of our literature and ententertainment would dimish, watching TV would be a chore, and we'd have to take a huge step back in society to get it back to good."

6. Advertising executive Douglas Atkins argues that purchasing branded merchandise now proivdes that same sense of belonging that was once provided by community institutions like schools, churches,civic groups, or fraternal orders. What provides you with a sense of belonging or identity? What role, if any, does marketing play in what you identify with or where you hang out the most? I have no need for a sense of belonging. Marketing plays no role in any part of my life.

7. Political consultant Frank Luntz tells his clients that, "80 percent of our life is emotion and only 20 percent is intellect. I am much more interested in how you fell than how you think." Contrast this with Thomas Jefferson's notion that democracy requires an "informed citizenry." What is the potential impact of Luntz's political strategy recommendations on the health of democracy? I see little relation Frank Luntz is not saying that we are a uninformed society. I doubt there will be any impact on the health of our democracy threw Frank Luntz.

8. Rushkoff says that political strategist Frank Luntz" has built his career on a simple idea: It doesn't matter what you want to tell the public, it's about what they want to hear." Do you think the phrases that Luntz develops to 'sell" political positions help clarify the issues or mislead voters? I do believe the idea of every politician providing any informatin that would make us happy is misleading. It leads us to believe these things that the politician says are true.

9. Douglas Rushkoff asks, "What does it mean when we begin to merge our once separate roles as consumers and citizens?" How would you answer Rushkoff's question? Given that the U.S. economy is based on consumer spending, is it patriotic to shop? I would answer saying "Well consumers are citizens." To an extent , we should shop , but for no other reason than we need products.

10. "The Persuaders" points out that there are laws governing truth in advertising for products and services, but that "politicians can legally say whatever they want. "Should political ads be governed by the same kinds of laws that govern product ads? Why do you think there aren't such laws? To an extent they should be governed, but there is no way of telling if these political advertisements are untrue. There are no such laws for the reason that there is no way of telling if the ads are false.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Does Walmart Cut Prices or Jobs?

1. What did you know about Wal-Mart before viewing the documentary? I knew it was a very large company that gave the illusion of low prices and benefits to customers. Wal-mart owns and has bought out companies . Wal-mart gets most of its products from unprotected workers in China and other countries.

2. Do you know anyone that works at Wal-Mart? If so, how would you characterize their experiences? Although i do not know anyone that works at Wal-Mart nor do i shop there i do know it offers jobs to people with disablities . I believe the jobs are minimum wage. I also know they offer jobs at any time of the day.

3. What most surprised you about the film? Many different topics surprised me about Wal-Mart. One of those would by the convention where people celebrate Wal-Mart. The convention is very useless and inappropriate in my opinon.

4. Do you think the strategies that Wal-Mart is using are fair ? Why or why not? I believe the strategies are fair. Anyone could copy and paste what Wal-Mart has done , but it would be better if their power was limited.

5. What new kinds of jobs might be created as a result of outsourcing? What jobs might be eliminated? Jobs made specifically to deal with foreign countries may come as a result of outsourcing. Small business owner's jobs may be eliminated.

6 Who gains the most from Wal-Mart's price policies? Why? Wal-Mart gains the most from the low prices. Wal-Mart's low prices draw customers to the store and have made it the large company it is today. Customers only gain if they buy the lowest price items instead of being drawn into the higher priced items.

7. Has the documentary influenced how or where you will shop? Explain. Yes , I will now try to avoid Wal-Mart owned shops. I find that feeding this great company would only make the situation worse. I will find small businesses to buy from to promote American businesses.

8. Who has benefited from Wal-Mart? In what ways? Who has not benefited from Wal-Mart? In what ways? Wal-Mart's owners have benefited the most because they make money from this large business. Customers benefit by the convenience of the Wal-Mart industry. Small business owners do not benefit because of Wal-Mart monopolizing the industry.

9. How should Wal-Mart balance the needs for worker benefits, low prices for consumers and high profits for shareholders? Wal-Mart has cheap low price clothes , but no high-end clothes.
They should add a department with professionally designed clothes for the upper class society. This would add jobs for fashion designers and open up the business to high-middle class shoppers which would make their busineess more profitable.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Oh! I just got old too fast!

1.What percentage of retirement contributions came from businesses in 2000? What percentage came from workers?Why did the percentages change? 51% came from workers while 49% came from businesses. The new 401k plan caused it to change.

2. What happens if people's plannong for retirement does not provide enough income? People have to find other jobs. People sacrifice there middle class living style to adjust.

3. When a business enters bankruptcy, which gets paid first workers' pensions or debts owed to banks? Why is this the case? Debts owed to banks are payed first 100% of the time. Companies dont care for employees and use the loop-holes in the workers' pension system.

4. According to the film, are people with high incomes or people with low incomes more successful in investing their retirement incomes? What are the implications of this finding? Normally people with high incomes find it easier to invest in their retirements. Richer people have mroe to invest and more experience using the 401k plan.

5. Many people's retirement plans last seven to eight years after they stop working. But studies show that people live 17 or 18 years after retirement. What options are there for people in the United States who outlive their savings? People have to rely on social security and new jobs. People need more money than their social security checks.

6. What factors do you think might keep people from saving enough money for retirement? Poor finicial skills or lack of money to invest would be the main causes. Without the knowledge on how to use your money you would not know how to save it.

Friday, October 2, 2009

My Retirement

1. What do you think retirement means? Retirement is when you dont wanna work anymore. You file for this when your old.

2. From what sources do people get income when they retire? People get money from both their own savings and their work retirement program. People also get money from 1.5 of the money they have made during their lifetime.

3. Who pays for the health insurance of retired people? People pay for their own health insurance, or their work retirement program does.

4. Who should be responsible for planning for retirement? What roles should individuals, businesses, and the government play in planning? People should be responsible for their own retirement. Government should have or create laws that protect people retirement programs.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Now What is a Credit Card?

1.What do you know about credit cards? How do they work? Credit cards are a card with a certain amount of loaned money . You can charge purchases on it and either pay a monthly payment or pay the whole debt off. If not paid off at whole each month a interest rate is applied.

2. How many credit cards would you think the average person uses? Why do you think people have more than one credit card? The average person has 3 credit cards. People that have more than one credit either like the convenancy or people who only get paid once a month.

3. What information in the documentary most surprised you? The information about credit cards that most surprised me was the fact that if you miss a payment on anything not just your credit cards they can raise your interest rates. This is unfair and unreasonable missing a payment on your new car isnt relevant to the credit card.

4. Do you think the government should have a role in regulating both who can get credit cards and what interest and fees consumers should pay? If so, who should be the regulators? Who would benefit from such regulation? Who would lose ? Explain. Government should play a role in regulating credit card companies. I dont have a preferred regulator but i believe that people are stupid and need help from the loansharks credit card companies are. People would benefit ; but the credit card companis would lose.

5. How, according to the four "normal consumers" in the documentary , does owning a credit card or credit cards affect purchasing decisions? The normal consumers found the credit cards conveinent. They found that spending money they didnt have was tempting.

6. Who loses and gains the most from credit card companies' policies? Explain. Credit card companies gain while the regular people lose. Credit card companies win by charging random charges and by bumping up interest rates. People lose by falling for simple traps and lose money.

7. Has the documentary influenced how you might use credit cards in the future? Explain. No I still plan on having the same amount of credit cards. I will still use them sparingly and pay the payments.

8. Law professor Elizabeth Warren notes that families use credit cards to bridge the gap between what they earn and what they spend. What factors can lead to their inability to make required payments? Many ways can affect a families inability to pay their payments. Such as a family member getting sick or dies, if they lose their job, and if the parents have a divorce.

Friday, August 28, 2009

And They All Fall Down

1.What cause the housing market to drop in stock prices and loans? Bear Sterns invested in a large amount of houses,and there was not enough people to buy houses.

2. What lead to Bear Sterns financial problems? Bear Sterns increased the mortgage of people's houses when the economy fell which caused Bear Sterns to have a bad name. Investors stoped loaning to Bear Sterns because of this.

3. Name two rumors that the media reported about Bear Sterns. The media spread rumors of liquidation and that Bear Sterns was running out of money.

4. What deal did the Federal Reserve strike with Bear Sterns that temporarily saved the company? The Federal Reserve wanted to make a deal with Bear Sterns they wanted Bear Sterns to sell there company and in return they would take responsiblity for 30$ billion of Bear's depts.

5.Why did Congressmen Paulson believe that the Federal Reserve needs to let these Financial Institutions fail? Congressmen Paulson was concerned about helping only Bear Sterns. He didn't want it to look like they were only trying to save this company it would be a moral hazard.

6.Why did the federal government take over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? They held a large amount in mortages and were a huge company. Losing this company was too big it was a system risk.

7. Secretary Paulson decided not to guarantee a government loan for Lehman Brothers as he had for Bear Sterns with the JPMorgan takeover . What happened as a result of that decision? Lehman went bankrupt but no one thought it would cause a problem. It turns out that the Lehman brothers were very connected , and it caused a system failure the stock crashed.

8. Why did the govenment give AIG a loan of $85 billion after refusing to loan money for the Lehman Brothers acquisition? AIG was the biggest insurance company in the world. AIG invested in the housing market thinking it was never going bankrupt the government stoped caring about moral hazard and decided to take over AIG.

9. What is capital injection?Money coming from the government. Billions of dollars injected to boost confidence.

10.The last scene in the film shows the leaders of the largest banks being told by Henry Paulson that they would have to accept government capital injections. What was the rationale for that decision. They had run out of ways to save the economy. There was nothing else they could do they thought if they didnt act fast it would sink too far deep to be restored.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Stock-in my own words a stock is a piece of a company that can be sold/trade
During the game of "Pit" i won once my strategy was simply to keep the stock with the most on first draw.
Based on the game today i would consider being a stock broker just because it sounds like a exciting job with alot of competition and a chance for something great.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


This is my first blog enjoy!


This is my first blog enjoy!