Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Does Walmart Cut Prices or Jobs?

1. What did you know about Wal-Mart before viewing the documentary? I knew it was a very large company that gave the illusion of low prices and benefits to customers. Wal-mart owns and has bought out companies . Wal-mart gets most of its products from unprotected workers in China and other countries.

2. Do you know anyone that works at Wal-Mart? If so, how would you characterize their experiences? Although i do not know anyone that works at Wal-Mart nor do i shop there i do know it offers jobs to people with disablities . I believe the jobs are minimum wage. I also know they offer jobs at any time of the day.

3. What most surprised you about the film? Many different topics surprised me about Wal-Mart. One of those would by the convention where people celebrate Wal-Mart. The convention is very useless and inappropriate in my opinon.

4. Do you think the strategies that Wal-Mart is using are fair ? Why or why not? I believe the strategies are fair. Anyone could copy and paste what Wal-Mart has done , but it would be better if their power was limited.

5. What new kinds of jobs might be created as a result of outsourcing? What jobs might be eliminated? Jobs made specifically to deal with foreign countries may come as a result of outsourcing. Small business owner's jobs may be eliminated.

6 Who gains the most from Wal-Mart's price policies? Why? Wal-Mart gains the most from the low prices. Wal-Mart's low prices draw customers to the store and have made it the large company it is today. Customers only gain if they buy the lowest price items instead of being drawn into the higher priced items.

7. Has the documentary influenced how or where you will shop? Explain. Yes , I will now try to avoid Wal-Mart owned shops. I find that feeding this great company would only make the situation worse. I will find small businesses to buy from to promote American businesses.

8. Who has benefited from Wal-Mart? In what ways? Who has not benefited from Wal-Mart? In what ways? Wal-Mart's owners have benefited the most because they make money from this large business. Customers benefit by the convenience of the Wal-Mart industry. Small business owners do not benefit because of Wal-Mart monopolizing the industry.

9. How should Wal-Mart balance the needs for worker benefits, low prices for consumers and high profits for shareholders? Wal-Mart has cheap low price clothes , but no high-end clothes.
They should add a department with professionally designed clothes for the upper class society. This would add jobs for fashion designers and open up the business to high-middle class shoppers which would make their busineess more profitable.

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