Monday, October 5, 2009

Oh! I just got old too fast!

1.What percentage of retirement contributions came from businesses in 2000? What percentage came from workers?Why did the percentages change? 51% came from workers while 49% came from businesses. The new 401k plan caused it to change.

2. What happens if people's plannong for retirement does not provide enough income? People have to find other jobs. People sacrifice there middle class living style to adjust.

3. When a business enters bankruptcy, which gets paid first workers' pensions or debts owed to banks? Why is this the case? Debts owed to banks are payed first 100% of the time. Companies dont care for employees and use the loop-holes in the workers' pension system.

4. According to the film, are people with high incomes or people with low incomes more successful in investing their retirement incomes? What are the implications of this finding? Normally people with high incomes find it easier to invest in their retirements. Richer people have mroe to invest and more experience using the 401k plan.

5. Many people's retirement plans last seven to eight years after they stop working. But studies show that people live 17 or 18 years after retirement. What options are there for people in the United States who outlive their savings? People have to rely on social security and new jobs. People need more money than their social security checks.

6. What factors do you think might keep people from saving enough money for retirement? Poor finicial skills or lack of money to invest would be the main causes. Without the knowledge on how to use your money you would not know how to save it.

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